I am from clotheslines, walking the fence and gunny sack swings, from Tide, Clorox and Burpee garden seeds.

I am from the kind of small town where everyone knows your family, a two-story house at the end of the drive built just the way Mom and Dad designed it, safe, comforting, happy…. home.

I am from the tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, the touch-me-nots, impantiens, black-eyed susans and bachelor buttons.

I am from holidays with all the family at Meema and Grandad’s house and not being afraid of hard work, from Johnson and Bunch, Haley and Bennett.

I am from the walks along the railroad tracks and spinning honey from the hives outside and picking blackberries for cobbler.

From not sitting to close to the television, doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and being kind to others.

I am from Mountain Fork Christian Camp, Bible studies in our living room packed with teenagers, trips to Six Flags over Texas with the youth group, late night devotionals on the shores of the lake.

I’m from Stillwater, Oklahoma and the Choctaw Tribe of Mississippi, corn on the cob and venison.

From the “Jeanie-Weanie I beat you”, the paddling from Mrs. Dean in 2nd grade, and Oreos, fishing and campfires when camping at the lake with Jack and JoAnn.

I am from the “dog will bite” sign for Chubbs, Chico, Wayside Grocery, Granny scratching my back on the front porch, Papa’s desserts, picking potatoes from the tilled rows at Grandpa Haley’s house, driving Uncle Ben’s golf cart.

I am from happy stories passed down from parent to child. I am from holding hands and praying together before dinner every night, waiting until Christmas morning to open gifts, a new ornament to mark each year, chocolate chip cookies and Easter bread.

I am from photos, family trees, birth and death certificates, our family roll number, the little red table and chairs, Meema’s quilts.

I am a compilation of both sides of my family, of my parents and of the choices I have made.

I am sure of my family’s love and friendship. This gives me strength, independence and stablility.

Original blog entry is here.